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4 Women, 4 Generations, 4 Unique Points of View



Take a business-savvy, adventurous Baby Boomer transitioning from one job to another. Add a seasoned Generation X-er who’s also in transition.  Mix in a mid-career Millennial professional and a “just getting started” Gen Z student. That’s us… that’s Dame Talk. Combined, we have over 75 years of work experience. Odds are we’ve dealt with most work situations that women face. From Interviewing to Asking for the Money You Want & Deserve, we want to share our personal experiences and advice to help you when you have similar challenges. We’ll also pepper in the advice of expert guest speakers. As we like to say, “We don’t know everything, but we know enough!”

Grungy Tiling Transparent


noun \ ˈdām \

a woman of rank, station, or authority



A Podcast for Women Exploring Career Growth and Change


We would like to thank all the people who have helped us since we started our podcast. The list continues to grow every season.

Season 1 and 2

  • Dame photography by Lonnie Jones.

  • Logo design by Laura Molina.

  • Feature photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash.

  • Social Media strategy and posts by Nia Abraham

  • Podcast produced by the Dames using Anchor’s free platform.


Our Guests:

  • Dr. Anne Beal, Founder, and CEO, Absolute Joi

  • Dannie Bell, Student        

  • Krishawna Goins, Educator

  • Dr. Kellie Ishmael, Psychologist

  • Angela Messerschmidt, Educator

  • Natalye Paquin, CEO Points of Light

  • James Perkins, Human Resources Business Consultant

  • Steve Reinhardt, Consultant

  • Tanya Riggs, Owner of Sheridan Realty

  • Lis Stevens, Studio Lis

  • Audrey Tomlinson, VP Human Resources & General Services, Nippon Life Insurance Company of America



Season 3

  • Website redesign and development by Helen Ishmael

  • Podcast produced by the Dames using Anchor’s free platform.

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